Blog Posts
- Rifx.Online
- Programming , Machine Learning , Chatbots
- 27 Dec, 2024
…使用 OpenAI Swarm 和 Llama 3.2(100% 本地)。让我们使用 OpenAI Swarm 和 Llama 3.2(100% 本地)构建一个多智能体互联网研究助手: 动手教程,构建一个多智能体互联网研究助手应用程序,该应用程序:接受用户查询。 在网上搜索相关信息。 并将其转化为一篇精心撰写的文章。我们在这个应用中使用了三个智能体:
阅读更多打造您的社交媒体内容机器:CrewAI 的方法
- Rifx.Online
- Programming , Technology/Web , Marketing/Seo
- 27 Dec, 2024
实施 CrewAI 的分步指南 介绍🚀 AI 协作的力量有太多可以提供的。CrewAI旨在使AI代理能够承担角色、共享目标,并在一个紧密的单位中运作——就像一个运转良好的团队。 无论您是在构建一个智能助手平台、一个自动化的客户服务团队,还是一个多代理研究团队,CrewAI为复杂的多代理交互提供了基础。 如果您想深入了解CrewAI:
阅读更多DeepSeek V3:超越竞争对手的开源大语言模型技术解析
优于 Claude 3.5 Sonnet、GPT-4o、Llama3.1 405B 年末将至,刚刚,中国的 DeepSeek 发布了其开源模型 DeepSeek-v3,该模型在性能上超越了所有主要竞争者,包括 Claude3.5 Sonnet、GPT-4o、Qwen2.5 Coder 等等。该模型的表现如同怪兽,显然,我们可以说 DeepSeek-V3 是迄今
阅读更多使用 Gemini 2.0 提取任何文档 | 使用 ExtractThinker 提取文档智能
- Rifx.Online
- Technology , Programming , Data Science
- 27 Dec, 2024
在本文中,我们将探讨 Google 的 Gemini 2.0 模型如何与 [ExtractThinker](
- Rifx.Online
- Programming , Technology/Web , Data Science
- 27 Dec, 2024
使用 Langchain、OpenAI、Bright Data 和 NextJS 构建一个免费的 AI 工具,用于抓取、提取和分析数据。 “有用”的数据是任何成功企业进行明智决策和战略规划的基础。然而,真正的挑战不仅仅在于抓取数据——而在于从收集到的数据中提取有价值的信息。这一步通常需要大量的时间和精力,成为了过程中的瓶颈。 在本文中,您将学习如何构建一个不仅能提取网页数据,
阅读更多如何使用 Streamlit 和 Llama 3.2-Vision 构建自己的 OCR 助手
- Rifx.Online
- Programming , Technology , Computer Vision
- 27 Dec, 2024
通过示例学习 OCR(光学字符识别)是一种帮助自动化将图像转换为文本的工具。你一定在手机上使用过它,因为现在它非常普遍。从数字化文档到自动化业务工作流程,OCR 是许多现代解决方案的核心。在本指南中,我们将引导您使用 Streamlit、Llama 3.2-Vision 和 Ollama 创建一个简单但强大的 OCR 助手,因为为什么不参与机器学习模型的竞争呢。有趣的是,不
阅读更多通过多模态 LLM 模型进行图像推理
多模态人工智能 | LLM | OPENAI | GEMINI | 视觉 本博客探讨了多模态模型在图像推断中的能力,强调它们整合视觉和文本信息以改善分析的能力 多模态人工智能的出现显著改变了数据处理的格局。在过去,我们在光学字符识别(OCR)等任务中严重依赖文本提取库,如 PyTesseract。然而,视觉变换器和其他多模态模型的进步彻底改变了我们处理和解释数
阅读更多Llm 微调指南:您是否需要以及如何进行微调
在使用LLM时,我们最常收到的问题之一就是关于微调。每第二位客户都会问他们是否应该对他们的模型进行额外的训练。 在大多数情况下,答案是否定的,他们不需要。现代LLM在许多商业应用中已经足够好,无需微调,比如帮助客户从花店订购鲜花的机器人。此外,他们没有数据来进行微调,而他们拥有的20个对话样本并不算数(200个也是如此)。 训练和微调模型是一项昂贵的工作,如果可以的话,你真的应该避免它,
端到端多智能体实现与LLMs 多智能体架构由多个自主智能体组成,它们协作以完成复杂任务。随着LLMs的最新进展,这种架构已获得显著的关注。 这些智能体能够独立做出决策并执行行动。智能体由大型语言模型(LLMs)驱动。 多智能体架构的工作方式是,你不必指定每一个步骤,我们可以给它们一个目标,它们可以自行确定行动顺序。 这些架构被广泛应用于机器人技术、虚拟助手、协作决策和多模态处
阅读更多Qwen QVQ-72B:最佳开源图像推理 LLM
阿里巴巴的视觉推理 LLM 所以,在2024年底之前,Qwen(由阿里巴巴推出)强势回归,发布了另一个开源 LLM,Qwen QVQ-72B,这是一个视觉推理 LLM,即一个推理模型(类似于 OpenAI-o1),支持对图像输入进行推理。 Qwen QVQ 是 Qwen2-VL 的改进版本,专注于视觉推理 谈谈它的关键特性: 1. 多模态融合**视觉与语
更智能地扩展和更好地学习与强化学习 语言模型的新纪元:介绍 Qwen2.5 基于大型语言模型(LLMs)的突破,Qwen2.5 处于提高效率和先进学习的最前沿。忠于其指导原则——“更聪明地扩展,更好地学习,通过强化学习”——Qwen2.5 被设计用来解决模型性能、与人类偏好的对齐以及成本效益等紧迫问题。 无论您是在探索基本的问答功能,还是在推动复杂的
- Rifx.Online
- Technology , Data Science , Machine Learning
- 27 Dec, 2024
在快速发展的人工智能领域,检索增强生成(RAG)系统因其能够通过从外部数据库检索相关信息来增强传统人工智能模型而日益受到欢迎。这项技术的核心是两个关键工具——知识图谱和向量数据库——它们以根本不同的方式运作,但相辅相成,以解决各种问题。 为了理解它们的重要性,让我们来分析它们的概念、差异、优势,以及它们如何重塑各个行业。 1. 知识图谱:连接的基础
- Rifx.Online
- Technology , Machine Learning , Data Science
- 27 Dec, 2024
厌倦了 Google 的错误答案?了解 AI 如何让网络搜索更智能、更好! 想象一下:你在 Google 中输入一个问题,但得到的却不是正确的答案,而是点击了一堆无关的链接。令人沮丧,对吧?搜索引擎确实已经通过机器学习和自然语言处理等工具取得了长足的进步,帮助它们提供更好的结果。但即便有了这些改进,它们仍然主要是被动的,等待你提出问题。它们是反应式的,仅在你输入查询时才作出回应,并
阅读更多2024 年 RAG 的崛起与演变:年度回顾
- Rifx.Online
- Generative AI , Machine Learning , Data Science
- 27 Dec, 2024
随着2024年的结束,检索增强生成(RAG)的发展可谓波澜起伏。让我们从多个角度全面回顾这一年的进展。 RAG演变中的关键事件 辩论:“RAG已死,RAG万岁!” 在2024年初,这一年被一些人称为“RAG之年”,尽管这一称谓并未得到普遍认可。然而,全年取得的进展确实证明了这一称号的合理性。在涉及大型语言模型(LLMs)的场景中,RAG始终被证明是不可或缺的角色。然而
阅读更多人工智能代理框架终极指南:CrewAI vs LangGraph vs PhiData vs Relevance AI
- Rifx.Online
- Programming , Machine Learning , Autonomous Systems
- 27 Dec, 2024
AI代理开发的领域正在快速演变,多个框架相继出现,帮助开发者和企业构建复杂的AI解决方案。在本综合指南中,我们将深入探讨四个领先的框架:CrewAI、LangGraph、PhiData和Relevance AI。无论你是开发者、企业领导还是AI爱好者,了解这些框架的优势和差异对于做出明智的决策至关重要。 AI代理框架的兴起 随着AI不断改变我们的工作方式,构建和部署AI代理的
- Chatbots (93)
- Technologyweb (92)
- Education (9)
- Technology (117)
- Generative ai (139)
- Data science (127)
- Marketing (8)
- Programming (284)
- Design (3)
- Programmingscripting (29)
- Artificial intelligence (5)
- Autonomous systems (53)
- Finance (14)
- Natural language processing (123)
- Computer vision (13)
- Machine learning (193)
- Robotics (2)
- Translation (1)
- Security (1)
- Art (1)
- Health (15)
- Ethics (26)
- Research (1)
- Git (1)
- Creative industries (1)
- Science (3)
- Voice assistants (10)
- Automation (1)
- Customer service (1)
- Testing (2)
- Marketingseo (6)
- Search engines (2)
- Technologywebapi (3)
- Color vision (1)
- Market research (1)
- Social media (1)
- Ai (5)
- Predictive analytics (5)
- Product development (1)
- Ai assisted development (1)
- Open source (1)
- Personal development (1)
- Quality assurance (1)
- Collaborative intelligence (1)
- Video assistants (2)
- Searchgpt (2)
- Creative tools (1)
- Privacy (1)
- Roleplay (3)
- Search (1)
- Decision making (1)
- Creativity (1)
- Artificial general intelligence (1)
- Reasoners (1)
- Blockchain (1)
- Web development (1)
- Writing (1)
- Content creation (1)
- Cloud (1)
- Innovation (1)
- Multilingual (1)
- Chatgpt
- Search
- Web
- Real time
- Information
- Generative
- Debugging
- Recommendations
- Fundamentals
- Competitive
- Perplexity
- Prompts
- Marketers
- Automation
- Productivity
- Ui
- Ux
- Creativity
- Personas
- Accessibility
- Tools
- Workflows
- Accuracy
- Github
- Repositories
- Coding
- Privacy
- Image
- Applied
- Intelligent
- Platforms
- Agents
- Moonshots
- Agentic
- Autonomous
- Multi agent
- Gemini
- Crewai
- Finance
- Virtuals
- Tokenized
- Swarms
- Ai16z
- Sensay
- Sentient
- Etai
- Nodejs
- Chatbot
- Sentiment
- Recommender
- Flexibility
- Contextual
- Unstructured
- Youtube
- Translations
- Income
- Ai tools
- Scalability
- Personalization
- Efficiency
- Innovation
- Replit
- Reply
- Macaw
- Revid
- Artisan
- Midjourney
- Heygen
- Hostinger
- Photoroom
- No code
- Inspire
- Prompt
- Engineering
- Chatgpt 4
- Claude 3
- Mcp
- Claude
- Brave
- Slack
- Tasks
- Python
- Tokens
- Blockchain
- Decentralized
- Predictive
- Modeling
- Llms
- Api
- Rag
- Frameworks
- Cursor
- Claude dev
- Cline
- Autocomplete
- Langgraph
- Langchain
- Nodes
- Edges
- Multimodal
- Florence2
- Gpt4o mini
- Image analysis
- Qwen25
- Instruction following
- Text generation
- Multilingual
- Fine tuning
- Huggingface
- Lora
- Datasets
- Autogen
- Customization
- Collaboration
- Ai da
- Turing
- Sothebys
- Painting
- Llamaindex
- Groq llama
- Docker
- Gradio
- Mas
- Financial
- Nvidia
- Modular
- Orchestration
- Adaptability
- Nl2sql
- Sql
- Reflection
- Workflow
- Faiss
- Streamlit
- Accountability
- Transparency
- Domain
- Knowledge
- Responses
- Cryptocurrency
- Trading
- Bots
- Machinelearning
- Backtesting
- Business
- Intelligence
- Openai
- Visualizations
- Fastapi
- Groq
- Replicate
- Transcription
- Image generation
- Code
- Reviews
- Machine
- Learning
- Pre diabetes
- Blood sugar
- Carbohydrates
- Weight loss
- Ocr
- Encoder
- Language
- Document
- Scraping
- Ai
- Libraries
- Ethical
- Storm
- Customgpt
- Gpt
- Engineers
- Nlp
- Ethics
- Liability
- Decorators
- Marco o1
- Openai o1
- Monte carlo
- Chain of thought
- Self reflection
- Qwq
- Transformers
- Swiglu
- Reasoning
- Parameters
- Qwen
- Open source
- Fine tune
- Text to video
- Customize
- Styles
- Writing
- Git
- Siri
- Llm
- Security
- Swarm
- Embeddings
- Sonnet
- Context
- Artifacts
- Generation
- Conversational
- Cloud
- Job
- Application
- Resume
- Comic
- Csv
- Visualization
- Markdown
- Tag
- Query
- Synthesis
- Execution
- Perception
- Decision making
- Adaptation
- Explainability
- Bolt
- Deepseek
- Ollama
- Browser
- Deployment
- Programming
- Machine learning
- Mathematics
- Lightrag
- Browser use
- Web scraping
- Graph structures
- Llama31
- Amazonbedrock
- Ec2
- Customersupport
- Kpmg
- Report
- Analysis
- Dspy
- Marketing
- Pubmed
- Websocket
- Javascript
- Html
- Vector
- Endpoints
- Authentication
- Mongodb
- Caching
- Atomic
- Chromadb
- Memory
- Fitness
- Retrieval
- Porter
- Llama
- Whisper
- Offline
- Clientai
- Code analysis
- Eda
- Duckduckgo
- News
- Aggregator
- Taskplanner
- Timelines
- Resources
- Sequence diagrams
- Supervisor
- Replanning
- Azure
- Genai
- Smolagents
- Simulation
- Supply chain
- Framework
- Specialization
- Aura
- Gmail
- Calendar
- Web llm
- Constrained
- Prompting
- Selection
- Classification
- Tavily
- Planner
- Researcher
- Googledocs
- Apis
- Serviceaccount
- Token
- Optimization
- Pydantic
- Json
- Local first
- Filtering
- Shapedai
- Healthcare
- Yahoofinance
- Rsi
- Macd
- On premise
- Models
- Gdpr
- Essay writing
- Enterprise
- Validation
- Knowledge graphs
- Neomodel
- Systems
- Psychology
- Manipulation
- Dependency
- Structured
- Stock prices
- Gemini nano
- Chrome
- Prompt api
- Inference
- Vertex
- Reranking
- Selenium
- Pom
- Integration
- Voice
- Assistant
- Spring
- Boot
- Rest
- Maven
- Content
- Creation
- Scheduling
- Lip sync
- Deepfake
- Trepa
- Diffusion
- Temporal
- Oat
- Problem solving
- Limitations
- Transcripts
- Graphs
- Translation
- O1
- Pro
- Attachments
- Performance
- Interfaces
- Make
- Photos
- Thumbnail
- Crypto
- Integrations
- Searchgpt
- Seo
- Media
- Benchmark
- Deepmind
- Latency
- Haiku
- Swe bench
- Benchmarks
- Safety
- Bedrock
- Natural
- Processing
- Gpt 4o
- Code generation
- Computer
- Software
- Neo4j
- Consent
- Cost effectiveness
- Vscode
- Terminal
- Autonomy
- Visualstudiocode
- Costeffective
- Realtimefeedback
- Windsurf
- Ide
- V0
- Boltnew
- Keyvisual
- Text
- Techniques
- Waii
- Text to sql
- Knowledge graph
- Conversational analytics
- Monitoring
- Text2sql
- Snowflake
- Cortex
- Analyst
- Crawl4ai
- Crawling
- Data
- Asynchronous
- Extraction
- Pydanticai
- Postgresql
- Crud
- Panel
- Cloudapi
- Webhook
- Criteo
- Access
- Writer
- Keyword researcher agent
- Youtubekeywordsearchtool
- Title description writer agent
- Youtube data api
- Structured output
- Agent
- Task
- Probabilistic
- Deterministic
- Jira
- Mesop
- Django
- Co star
- Titanic
- Events
- Concurrency
- Inventory
- Gpus
- Contamination
- Mixture of experts
- Math
- Vision language
- Tiling
- Multi turn
- Planning
- Medical
- Embedding
- Sdk
- Deepseek v3
- Kubernetes
- Speech
- Twilio
- Modularity
- Version control
- Abstraction
- Navigation
- Interaction
- Langchain4j
- Javai
- Springai
- React
- Tailwind
- Codesandbox
- Frontend
- Development
- Moe
- Mla
- Fp8
- Multi token
- Color
- Harmony
- Deficiency
- Chatbots
- Copilot
- Workspace
- Browsing
- History
- Clustering
- Extractthinker
- Documentai
- Idp
- Cloudflare
- Llama 3
- Modal
- Axolotl
- Unsloth
- Alpaca
- Drugbot
- Drugdb
- Queries
- Instaloader
- Texttospeech
- Imageprocessing
- State
- Flash
- Multi modality
- Gemma
- Mistral
- Squad
- Multi query
- Studio
- Analytics
- Vision
- Market
- Research
- Insights
- Processes
- Trust
- Social
- Templates
- Disengagement
- Human
- Engaging
- Clarity
- Conversation
- Lens
- Evolution
- Lmarena
- Video
- Analyzer
- Captions
- Detection
- Goover
- User friendliness
- Fact checked
- Misinformation
- Matplotlib
- Canvas
- Mlmodels
- Stateful
- Databases
- Metadata
- Routing
- Communication
- Cross checking
- Hallucinations
- Geometric
- Voicebot
- Elevenlabs
- Makecom
- Text to speech
- Swot
- Htmx
- Cloudrun
- Graph rag
- Chainlit
- Networkx
- Pharmaceutical
- Compliance
- Figma
- Figjam
- Buzzy
- Wireframing
- Brightdata
- Iteration
- Prompt engineering
- Content creation
- Consciousness
- Jupyter
- Notebooks
- Error handling
- Pruning
- Distillation
- Minitron
- Compression
- Bluesky
- Langflow
- Typescript
- Bot
- Proactive
- Event
- Streaming
- Audio
- Multi actor
- Sqlite
- Text extraction
- Experimentation
- Expertise
- Screenwriters
- Critics
- Storytelling
- Chat
- Architecture
- Sarcasm
- Retrievers
- Bases
- Workshop
- Strategy
- Llamacpp
- Beautifulsoup
- Captchas
- Newsletters
- Socialmedia
- Aggregators
- Schedules
- Flows
- Callbacks
- Blogging
- Interactive
- Model
- Subscription
- Autocompletion
- Swift
- Configuration
- Hallucination
- Grammars
- Evaluations
- Querygpt
- Wren
- Human centered
- Quantum
- Climate
- Elections
- Keywords
- Competitors
- Reinforcement
- Transactions
- Nfts
- Strategies
- Personal development
- Coaching
- Summarizer
- Assembler
- Schema
- Graph
- Magnetic one
- Orchestrator
- Web surfer
- Coder
- Swark
- Mermaidjs
- Codebase
- Diagrams
- Goal orientation
- Llava
- Gpt 4
- Visual
- Interoperability
- Legacy
- Metrics
- Quantization
- Weights
- Activations
- Calibration
- Quanto
- Kokoro
- Tts
- Styletts
- Onnx
- Loaders
- Indexing
- User interface
- Playground
- Dependencies
- Testing
- Reliability
- Toolbox
- Graphdesign
- Conditionaledges
- Summarization
- Langsmith
- Ternary
- Parallelism
- Hardware
- Lazygraphrag
- River
- Scenes
- Reverse engineering
- Scripts
- Flask
- Graphrag
- Dual level
- Meta
- Huggingchat
- Tuning
- Wikipedia
- Conversableagent
- Assistantagent
- Userproxy
- Rlhf
- Dpo
- Long context
- Magentic one
- Governance
- Protocol
- Playwright
- Documents
- Mastodon
- Hashtag
- Crews
- Toolkit
- Poemflow
- Chunking
- Sequential
- Hierarchical
- Consensual
- Training
- Replay
- Feedback
- Short term
- Long term
- Entity
- Architectures
- Edge
- Computing
- Robotics
- Languages
- Gqa
- Tokenizer
- Tokenization
- Parallels
- Recraft
- Incremental
- Drift
- Markitdown
- Attention
- Dreamtracks
- Mlops
- Llmops
- Agentops
- Mojo
- Mlir
- Simd
- Roles
- Financialdatasets
- Captioning
- Avatar
- Empathy
- Sneaker
- Robotaxis
- Evaluator
- Few shot
- Logits
- Thresholds
- Fluency
- Professionals
- Career
- Rtx
- Digits
- Disruption
- Bitcoin
- Data analysis
- Predictions
- O1 preview
- Throughput
- O3
- Biases
- 01 preview
- Iterative
- Gpt 5
- Sora
- Phd
- O3 mini
- Emotions
- Generator
- Storyboard
- Blend
- Gpqa
- Realtime
- Colab
- Publishers
- Citations
- Outputs
- Schemas
- Function
- Prototyping
- Gpt 2
- Alphago
- Computation
- Transformer
- Arc agi
- Dall e
- Realism
- Remix
- Subscribers
- Solver
- Validator
- Small
- Businesses
- Transfer
- Federated
- Phi 4
- Compact
- Bigtech
- Tiktok
- Generativeai
- Promptdata
- Webscraper
- Anthropic
- Dependencyinjection
- Practical
- Applications
- Specialized
- 32b
- Instruct
- Gpu
- Qvq 72b
- Repair
- Qwen25 coder
- Cosmos
- Opencoder
- Sentencetransformers
- Openvino
- Pre training
- Variants
- Qwen2 vl
- Pymupdf
- Ragate
- Ragflow
- Base
- Rbyf
- Evaluation
- Ble
- Phidata
- N8n
- Qdrant
- Sec10k
- Vectorstore
- Deep learning
- Data science
- Statistics
- Prediction
- Role playing
- Hybrid
- Notifications
- Drag and drop
- Documentloader
- Extractor
- Contracts
- Semantic
- Aggregation
- Sky t1 32b
- O1 pro
- Smollm2
- Mobilellm
- Reproducibility
- Encoders
- Vocoders
- Spidertool
- Data extraction
- Cloud based
- E commerce
- Automotive
- Reference
- Synthetic
- Tool
- Registry
- Imagination
- Childgpt
- Curiosity
- Exploration
- Journalism
- Local
- Telehealth
- Containers
- Lightweight
- Virtual
- Assistants
- Medication
- Vectors
- Operator
- Gui
- Command
- File
- Reasoners
- Innovators
- Organizations
- Mum
- Cybersecurity
- Crowdfunding
- Synchronization
- Production
- Uncertainty
- Agi
- Nextjs
- Client side
- Rendering
- Ranking
- Product
- Manager
- Engineer
- Interpretability
- Editing
- Relevance
- Machines
- Trends
- Platform
- Graphql
- Abridge
- Beta
- Covariant
- Cyera
- Zepto
- Gans
- Autoencoders
- Zero shot
- Servers
- Website
- Builders
- Usability
- Recommendation
- Cryptography
- Sustainability
- Toolcalling
- Tf idf
- Conversion
- Batch processing
- Baker
- Mem0
- Extension
- Chain
- Thought
- Portfolios
- Moee
- Bertopic
- Pygame
- Faker
- Npcs
- Dialogues
- Conversationagent
- Ontaskagent
- Npc
- Topic
- Vertical
- Saas
- Unicorns
- Umap
- Modules
- E e a t
- Ai overviews
- Core update
- User intent
- Avatars
- Coze
- Dify
- Fastgpt
- Metagpt
- Robustness
- Cohere
- Dutch
- V0dev
- Components
- Layouts
- Puppeteer
- Filesystem
- Database
- Networking