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使用 ChatGPT 4o 的视觉分析逐步生成旅程中期提示

使用 ChatGPT 4o 的视觉分析逐步生成旅程中期提示

你是否有过这样的感觉:想要创建完美的 Midjourney 提示,但言辞却无法表达你脑海中的想法?我也经历过这样的时刻。在无数小时的实验后,我发现了一种改变游戏规则的方法:利用 ChatGPT 4o 的视觉能力分析参考图像并生成精准的提示。

让我分享我的旅程和我使用的确切过程。相信我,这将改变你创建 AI 艺术的方式。

灵光一现 💡

我曾经花费数小时描述我想要的内容给 Midjourney。有时有效,但往往无效。然后我意识到——为什么要描述,当我可以展示呢?

ChatGPT 4o 的视觉分析成为了我的秘密武器。我不再苦苦挣扎于描述,而是让它分析我喜欢的图像并将其转换为完美的提示。








Please analyze the uploaded images in detail.
For each image, identify:
Key elements (e.g., objects, patterns, and
recurring motifs).
The artistic style used (e.g., paper-cut,
abstract, minimalist).
The dominant color palette and transitions
between shades.
The theme or mood conveyed by the
Provide your findings in a format similar to
Image 1 (Full Moon with Cherry Blossoms)
Elements: [description]
Style: [description]
Color Palette: [description]
Theme: [description]


可以把它看作是请一位专业艺术评论家分析你最喜欢的作品。结构化的格式帮助 ChatGPT 系统地分解每一幅图像。






寻找模式:秘密调料 🎯


based on details in all uploaded images in
this conversation and Identify common
patterns and predict top 5 most preferred
objects and design patterns

这就是魔法发生的地方。ChatGPT 开始将你所有的参考资料联系起来。



using the preferred objects and design
patterns craft 6 Midjourney AI prompts that
will create a series of close-up vector
images that illustrate 3D red paper cut for
Chinese New Year and parameters --ar 16:9
--stylize 50 --v 6.1  
exclude dragon and tiger as part of the
and following are prompts example, can
analyze them to understand the Midjourney AI
prompt structure better, but not copying
their details: 

A red paper-cut of a peony flower. It is
simple and pretty. --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v
A beautiful paper-cut card with soft colors.
It shows a child happily playing with an
abacus at the Mid-Autumn Festival night.
There are lanterns and a family together. It
is mostly red. --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1
A red paper-cut of a peony flower. It is
simple and pretty. --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v
A flat paper-cut of a pretty Chinese window
flower. The flower has simple shapes and
smooth lines. It is on a white background.
--ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1



[Main Subject] + [Style Description] + [Additional Details] + [Technical Parameters]



通过我的实验,我学会了注意以下几点:- 过于复杂的描述- 缺失技术参数- 混合冲突的风格- 观点不清晰

保持简单和专注。对于 Midjourney 提示,少即是多。

A beautiful 3D red paper-cut featuring a
pagoda at the center, surrounded by swirling
clouds and symmetrical cherry blossoms. The
design showcases a layered composition with a
harmonious balance of traditional Chinese
elements --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1

A close-up of a peony flower in a 3D red
paper-cut style. The layers highlight the
petals' intricate patterns with fine details
on each leaf. The background includes subtle
curves and smooth circular shapes, enhancing
the elegant simplicity of the composition.
--ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1

简单提示的魅力 🎯

我在实验中发现了一些有趣的事情:一旦 ChatGPT 理解了我们之前互动中 Midjourney 提示创建的上下文,我们就可以切换到非常简单的提示。例如,我现在只问“用 7 岁孩子能理解的英语描述附加的图像”,就能得到完美详细、清晰的描述。ChatGPT 4o 对我们之前 Midjourney 讨论的记忆帮助它提供了适合提示生成的描述。这种简单性是强大的——它使整个过程更易于接近,技术性更低。就像和一个已经知道你想要达成目标的朋友进行对话。

A red paper-cut of a pagoda surrounded by
clouds and cherry blossoms. The intricate
layers emphasize symmetry, with delicate 3D
cutouts showing fine details on the pagoda's
roof and branches. The background features
flowing organic shapes and swirling clouds.
--ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1

An artistic 3D red paper-cut depiction of
plum blossoms on curved branches. The design
showcases organic flow with smooth layers and
subtle shadowing, embodying elegance and
natural beauty. --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 
--v 6.1

A 3D red paper-cut design featuring a
blooming peony surrounded by intricate
flowing branches and delicate foliage,
symbolizing prosperity and beauty. The design
is highly detailed with layered cuts to
create depth. --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1

多功能性的力量 🎨


A 3D red paper-cut featuring a traditional
Chinese pagoda surrounded by pine trees and
layered clouds. The pagoda’s intricate roof
design is highlighted against a red
background with subtle white accents for
contrast. --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1

An elegant 3D paper-cut composition in rich
red with pure white underlays, showing ornate
pavilions nestled among cloud patterns.
Architectural details reveal multiple depth
layers, with white accents highlighting roof
tiles and lattice work. Intricate geometric
borders frame the scene with dimensional
shadows. --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1

A close-up of a serene full moon surrounded
by delicate cherry blossom branches in a 3D
red paper-cut style. The blossoms are
detailed with layered petals, and the
background is textured to emphasize depth.
The composition exudes elegance and
tranquility. --ar 16:9 --stylize 50 --v 6.1

A flat 3D red paper-cut illustration of a
blooming magnolia branch with smooth petals
and curved leaves. The design includes
minimal background swirls, focusing on
simplicity and elegance. --ar 16:9 
--stylize 50 --v 6.1

A delicate 3D red paper-cut of a full moon
surrounded by cherry blossom branches and
swirling clouds. The design is framed with
layered circular patterns, creating an
elegant and peaceful atmosphere --ar 16:9
--stylize 50 --v 6.1

最后的想法 🌟

这种方法彻底改变了我使用 Midjourney 的创作方式。这不仅仅是生成提示,而是理解你的艺术偏好并有效地将其转化。



为什么不试试这个方法呢?从一小批你喜欢的图像开始,让 ChatGPT 4o 的视觉能力引导你更好地生成提示。



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