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Mastering CrewAI: Chapter 1 — Your First Intelligent Workflow

Mastering CrewAI: Chapter 1 — Your First Intelligent Workflow

The Basics of Agents and Tasks

CrewAI is a platform that allows us to create and manage teams of AI agents. It offers both enterprise and open-source solutions. In this blog post, we will delve into the open-source CrewAI, of course.

So, what exactly is an agent?

Agents are modeled to simulate human-like behaviors in problem-solving, task execution, and interaction.

An agent uses its abilities, prior knowledge, and observations to effectively act upon its environment to achieve its goals.

CrewAI is designed to help developers create and manage AI agent teams that can collaborate to accomplish complex tasks.

So, it is not a magic toy; rather, it is simply an abstraction for controlling and managing agent teams.

We have 4 main components in the framework:

  • Crew: Think of the “Crew” as the manager overseeing the entire operation.
  • AI Agents: These are specialized team members, each with a unique role. They use tools to perform their tasks.
  • Process: This is the workflow, like a blueprint for collaboration. It defines how agents interact, etc.
  • Tasks: Assignments that agents must complete.


  • [optional | to follow along] create a new folder: crewai-demo
  • [optional | to follow along] create a new environment:
python3 -m venv venv

source venv/bin/activate
  • Install CrewAI
pip install crewai crewai-tools
  • Start a Crew project (optional: I used myagents as my project name)
crewai create crew <project_name>

It builds a project template.

  • It prompts us to select a provider (in this case, I will use OpenAI).

  • It also asked for the model and OpenAI key (I chose gpt-4o-mini).
  • Later, it created template files in the folders.

Project Structure

Let’s take a close look at the created files.


This is the main script for our CrewAI project.

from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task
from crewai.project import CrewBase, agent, crew, task

class Myagents():
 """Myagents crew"""

 agents_config = 'config/agents.yaml'
 tasks_config = 'config/tasks.yaml'

 def researcher(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(

 def reporting_analyst(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(

 def research_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(

 def reporting_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(

 def crew(self) -> Crew:
  """Creates the Myagents crew"""

  return Crew(

The @CrewBase decorator identifies Myagents as a CrewAI crew definition.

class Myagents():

It sets the framework for defining the agents, tasks, and crew logic. It is like a template for assembling our team.

The @agent decorator defines specific AI agents with predefined configurations.

 def researcher(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(

 def reporting_analyst(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(

Each agent’s behavior is determined by its configuration.

The @task decorator defines the task that the agents need to complete.

 def research_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(

 def reporting_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(

Tasks are like items on a to-do list, each with clear instructions and sometimes an expected deliverable like output_file='report.md'

The @crew decorator is used to defining the entire crew within the project.

 def crew(self) -> Crew:
  """Creates the Myagents crew"""
  # To learn how to add knowledge sources to your crew, check out the documentation:
  # https://docs.crewai.com/concepts/knowledge#what-is-knowledge

  return Crew(
   agents=self.agents, # Automatically created by the @agent decorator
   tasks=self.tasks, # Automatically created by the @task decorator
   # process=Process.hierarchical, # In case you wanna use that instead https://docs.crewai.com/how-to/Hierarchical/

The Crew class represents the entire team of agents working together. The process determines how the team operates. In a sequential process, tasks are completed one after another.

In summary:

  • We create roles (like researcher and reporting_analyst) with specific capabilities using the @agent. These are the workers.
  • We define jobs (like research_task and reporting_task) the agents need to perform using the @task.
  • We assemble the agents and tasks into a single unit called crew , defining how they work together via the process.


YAML configurations define the roles, goals, and tasks of our AI agents.


This file defines the configuration for each agent in the project. Each agent has a role, goal, and backstory.

  role: >
    {topic} Senior Data Researcher
  goal: >
    Uncover cutting-edge developments in {topic}
  backstory: >
    You're a seasoned researcher with a knack for uncovering the latest
    developments in {topic}. Known for your ability to find the most relevant
    information and present it in a clear and concise manner.

  role: >
    {topic} Reporting Analyst
  goal: >
    Create detailed reports based on {topic} data analysis and research findings
  backstory: >
    You're a meticulous analyst with a keen eye for detail. You're known for
    your ability to turn complex data into clear and concise reports, making
    it easy for others to understand and act on the information you provide.
  • role: the professional title
  • goal: the primary objective
  • backstory: a narrative background that defines the agent’s personality and approach.

This file is like assigning personalities and responsibilities to virtual team members. The researcher is the detective, tasked with finding hidden gems of information, while the reporting_analyst is the storyteller, organizing findings into coherent narratives.


This file defines the tasks to be performed by the agents. Each task includes a description, expected output, and the agent responsible for the task.

  description: >
    Conduct a thorough research about {topic}
    Make sure you find any interesting and relevant information given
    the current year is 2024.
  expected_output: >
    A list with 10 bullet points of the most relevant information about {topic}
  agent: researcher

  description: >
    Review the context you got and expand each topic into a full section for a report.
    Make sure the report is detailed and contains any and all relevant information.
  expected_output: >
    A fully fledge reports with the mains topics, each with a full section of information.
    Formatted as markdown without '```'
  agent: reporting_analyst
  • description: detailed instructions for the task.
  • expected_output: specific format or type of output expected
  • agent: which agent is responsible for completing the task.

The tasks represent what needs to be done and who will do it.

The research_task is like creating the foundation of a project, gathering raw but crucial data.

The reporting_task refines this foundation into a polished and actionable document.


This is the entry point for running and interacting with our crew.

import sys
import warnings

from myagents.crew import Myagents

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SyntaxWarning, module="pysbd")

def run():
    Run the crew.
    inputs = {
        'topic': 'AI LLMs'

def train():
    Train the crew for a given number of iterations.
    inputs = {
        "topic": "AI LLMs"
        Myagents().crew().train(n_iterations=int(sys.argv[1]), filename=sys.argv[2], inputs=inputs)

    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(f"An error occurred while training the crew: {e}")

def replay():
    Replay the crew execution from a specific task.

    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(f"An error occurred while replaying the crew: {e}")

def test():
    Test the crew execution and returns the results.
    inputs = {
        "topic": "AI LLMs"
        Myagents().crew().test(n_iterations=int(sys.argv[1]), openai_model_name=sys.argv[2], inputs=inputs)

    except Exception as e:
        raise Exception(f"An error occurred while replaying the crew: {e}")
  • run starts the crew with predefined inputs. Input topic: "AI LLMs" is passed to agents (remember it from the YAML file).
  role: >
    {topic} Senior Data Researcher
  • train runs a training loop for the crew to improve performance over multiple iterations.
  • replay re-executes the crew from a specific task.
  • test tests the crew’s execution and returns results for evaluation.

Running a Crew

We can use crewai CLI command to run a crew or we can manually run a project using Python CLI.

crewai CLI

  • Go to the crewai project (myagents in my case)
cd myagents
  • Install crewai . It will create a new virtual environment and so on.
crewai install
  • Run the crew.
crewai run

First, it runs the “Senior Data Researcher”. Then, the “Reporting Analyst”.

Finally, it created the report.md as we wanted.

Python CLI

To run it manually;

  • Update module import in the main.py
#from myagents.crew import Myagents
from crew import Myagents
  • Load environment variables in crew.py
from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task
from crewai.project import CrewBase, agent, crew, task

from dotenv import load_dotenv

  • Update main.py
#!/usr/bin/env python
import sys
import warnings

#from myagents.crew import Myagents
from crew import Myagents

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SyntaxWarning, module="pysbd")

def run():
    Run the crew.
    inputs = {
        'topic': 'AI LLMs'

  • Run the CLI command
python myagents/src/myagents/main.py  

Ollama Integration

Until now, we have been using gpt-4o-mini as the LLM. It is possible to use open-source LLMs in CrewAI, and these models can be integrated using Ollama.

Let’s use llama3.2:1b

ollama run llama3.2:1b

To run a model on the Ollama API, we need to update crew.py

from crewai import LLM adds the ability to define and integrate an LLM.

from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task, LLM # import LLM

class Myagents():
 agents_config = 'config/agents.yaml'
 tasks_config = 'config/tasks.yaml'

  # Define a new LLM 
 ollama_llm = LLM(
  model="ollama/llama3.2:1b", # the model name
  base_url="http://localhost:11434", # the ollama endpoint

Then we update the llm each agent uses.

 def researcher(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(
   llm=self.ollama_llm # You can pass the LLM to the agent

 def reporting_analyst(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(
   llm=self.ollama_llm # You can pass the LLM to the agent

The new crew.py

from crewai import Agent, Crew, Process, Task, LLM
from crewai.project import CrewBase, agent, crew, task
from dotenv import load_dotenv


class Myagents():

 agents_config = 'config/agents.yaml'
 tasks_config = 'config/tasks.yaml'

 ollama_llm = LLM(

 def researcher(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(
   llm=self.ollama_llm # You can pass the LLM to the agent

 def reporting_analyst(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(
   llm=self.ollama_llm # You can pass the LLM to the agent

 def research_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(

 def reporting_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(

 def crew(self) -> Crew:
  """Creates the Myagents crew"""

  return Crew(

Run the crew again.

crewai run


A Task in CrewAI is a specific assignment given to an AI agent. It encapsulates the specific actions the agent must perform.

Tasks can follow two primary workflows:

  • Sequential: Tasks are executed one after another in the order they are defined. task1 -> task2 -> task3
  • Hierarchical: Tasks are assigned dynamically to agents based on their roles and expertise. task1 can split into subtasks subtask1, subtask2.

The basic interface to set an execution flow:

crew = Crew(
    agents=[agent1, agent2],  # Define the agents
    tasks=[task1, task2],    # Define the tasks
    process=Process.sequential  # or Process.hierarchical

Tasks can be customized using its many attributes.

By customizing these attributes, we can design tasks tailored to our project requirements.


Tools are the building blocks that empower AI agents to perform a wide range of tasks. These tools can range from APIs, LLMs, or database connectors to custom-built logic.

While we can create our own custom tools, CrewAI includes a preset toolkit called the CrewAI Toolkit and also supports the LangChain Toolkit.

To understand tasks & tools better, let’s create a new CrewAI project (I named it crew-tasks, using gpt-4o-mini).

We will have four agents: searcher, scrapper, copywriter, and file_writer.

  • searcher will search for a specific subject on the web.
  • scrapper will scrap the websites that searcher returns.
  • copywriter generates meaningful texts from the data from the websites.
  • file_writer writes the output into a file.

We will use predefined tools from crewai_tools .

from crewai_tools import SerperDevTool, ScrapeWebsiteTool, FileWriterTool

class CrewTasks():
 """CrewTasks crew"""

 agents_config = 'config/agents.yaml'
 tasks_config = 'config/tasks.yaml'

 def searcher(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(

 def scrapper(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(
 def copywriter(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(
 def file_writer(self) -> Agent:
  return Agent(

 def search_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(
 def scrape_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(

 def content_write_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(
 def file_write_task(self) -> Task:
  return Task(

 def crew(self) -> Crew:
  """Creates the CrewTasks crew"""
  return Crew(

For each agent, we have a specific task: search_task, scrap_task, content_write_task, and file_write_task.

Accordingly, we should update the YAML files.


  role: >
    {topic} Content Searcher
  goal: >
    Uncover cutting-edge developments in {topic}
  backstory: >
    You're a seasoned researcher with a knack for uncovering the latest
    developments in {topic}. Known for your ability to find the most relevant
    information and present it in a clear and concise manner.

  role: >
    Website Scraper
  goal: >
    Scrape the website for the latest {topic} content
  backstory: >
    You're a skilled web scraper with a knack for extracting the most valuable imnfomration from websites. Known for your ability to navigate complex websites and extract the most relevant information.

  role: >
    Content Copywriter
  goal: >
    Write engaging and informative content based on the provided information
  backstory: >
    You're a talented copywriter with a flair for creating engaging and informative content. Known for your ability to distill complex information into clear and compelling copy.

  role: >
    File Writer
  goal: >
    Write the extracted information to a file
  backstory: >
    You're a skilled writer with a knack for creating well-organized and informative files. Known for your ability to present information in a clear and concise manner.


  description: >
    Conduct a thorough research about {topic}
    Make sure you find any interesting and relevant information given
    the current year is 2024.
  expected_output: >
    A list with 10 bullet points of the most relevant information about {topic}
  agent: searcher

  description: >
    Scrape the web for the most recent information about {topic}
    Make sure you find any interesting and relevant information given
    the current year is 2024.
  expected_output: >
    Scrapped websites with all the important information about {topic}
  agent: scrapper

  description: >
    Write a blog post about {topic}
    Make sure you include all the relevant information and make it
    engaging for the reader.
  expected_output: >
    A blog post about {topic} with at least 200 words.
  agent: copywriter

  description: >
    Write the article to a file
  expected_output: >
    Article written in a article.md file
  agent: file_writer

We are almost done.

Finally, we need a SERPER_API_KEY.

Go to: serper.dev

Add it to the .env file

## main.py

import sys
import warnings
from datetime import datetime
from crew import CrewTasks

warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", category=SyntaxWarning, module="pysbd")

def run():
    Run the crew.
    inputs = {
        'topic': 'AI LLMs',
        "date": datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),


When I ran this crew, it failed to scrape the websites. It seems that the smaller model I used, gpt-4o-mini, is not capable of handling such a task. I updated the model to gpt-4o (via the .env file), reran main.py, and this time it succeeded.

We can give multiple inputs and run it for each.

def run():
    Run the crew.
    # inputs = {
    #     'topic': 'AI LLMs',
    #     "date": datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
    # }

    inputs_list = [
            'topic': 'AI LLMs',
            "date": datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'topic': 'Hugging Face',
            "date": datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),
            'topic': 'Ollama',
            "date": datetime.now().strftime('%Y-%m-%d'),

    # CrewTasks().crew().kickoff(inputs=inputs)

This concludes the first chapter on utilizing CrewAI.

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