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Create AI Agent CRUD Application with PydanticAI: Step by Step

Create AI Agent CRUD Application with PydanticAI: Step by Step

It’s good to be back on Skolo Online! In our first tutorial of 2025 we will take a deep dive into PydanticAI. In this article we will cover the following:

  • How to get started with Pydantic AI — “hello world” tutorial
  • Setting up PostgreSQL database
  • A more complex PydanticAI implementation with two Agents that work together to execute user requests. Agent 1 understands user intent and Agent 2 executes the intent.

In the end we will build a notes application in about an hour where you can provide natural language prompts like: “Please create a note for me and add the following” and the application will understand that query and execute in the database adding a new note. You can also list available notes or view a detailed note.

For a visual step by step walk-through, check out the companion YouTube video.

An Introduction to AI Agents

You’ve probably heard the term “Generative AI” — but what are AI Agents? Essentially, they’re next-level tools that leverage advanced language models to handle tasks more autonomously. They can parse user queries, pick out relevant information, and interact with external services in a structured manner.

The diagram above illustrates how AI has progressed from basic generative models to sophisticated AI Agents that can collaborate with various tools.

Spotlight on PydanticAI

PydanticAI is a Python agent framework designed to streamline the development of production-grade applications utilizing Generative AI. Developed by the team behind Pydantic — the validation layer integral to numerous Python libraries and frameworks — PydanticAI emphasizes type safety and seamless integration with static type checkers like mypy and pyright.

Key features of PydanticAI include:

  • Structured Responses: Utilizes Pydantic to validate and structure model outputs, ensuring consistency across runs.
  • Dependency Injection System: Offers an optional system to provide data and services to agents’ system prompts, tools, and result validators, enhancing testing and iterative development.
  • Streamed Responses: Enables continuous streaming of LLM outputs with immediate validation for rapid and accurate results.

Currently in early beta, PydanticAI’s API is subject to change, and the development team welcomes feedback to refine and enhance its capabilities

Getting Set Up

Before installing pydantic-ai, confirm your Python version is 3.9 or higher:

python --version

Then, create and activate a virtual environment, followed by installing pydantic-ai:

virtualenv skoloenv
source skoloenv/bin/activate
pip install pydantic-ai

Understanding the Core of PydanticAI

Within PydanticAI, the primary workhorse is the Agent class. By using it, you can run queries on a variety of models. You can see the complete list of compatible models in the official docs. Here is a quick snippet showing how to initialize an Agent with an OpenAI model:

from pydantic_ai import Agent
from pydantic_ai.models.openai import OpenAIModel
## Reference your desired model
model = OpenAIModel('gpt-4o', api_key='add-your-api-key-here')
agent = Agent(model)
result = agent.run_sync("What is Bitcoin?")

We recommend storing your API key as an environment variable:

export OPENAI_API_KEY='your-api-key'

Here is a list of all available models that you can use with PydanticAI

KnownModelName = Literal[

Expanding PydanticAI with External Tools

We willutilise PostgreSQL database and build a database connection class that will be added as a dependency in to our PydanticAI agent which will allow the agent to execute database functions.

The PostgreSQL Setup

First you need a working and clean PostgreSQL database, in the video linked above, I show you how you can set one up on DigitalOcean (Note you can use any PostgreSQL database).

You can use this affiliate link to get started with DigitalOcean — https://m.do.co/c/7d9a2c75356d

Once you have your DB, get the connection string — you will need it for the next step.

Then install the following:

pip install psycopg2
pip install asyncpg

We’ll create a couple of Python functions to set up a “notes” table and check if it exists:

import psycopg2
DB_DSN = "database-connection-string"
def create_notes_table():
    Establishes a 'notes' table if it doesn't exist, with 'id', 'title', and 'text'.
    create_table_query = """
        title VARCHAR(200) UNIQUE NOT NULL,
        text TEXT NOT NULL
        connection = psycopg2.connect(DB_DSN)
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        print("Successfully created or verified the 'notes' table.")
    except psycopg2.Error as e:
        print(f"Error while creating table: {e}")
        if connection:

def check_table_exists(table_name: str) -> bool:
    Checks whether a specified table is present in the DB.
    query = """
        SELECT 1
        FROM information_schema.tables
        WHERE table_schema = 'public'
        AND table_name = %s
        connection = psycopg2.connect(DB_DSN)
        cursor = connection.cursor()
        cursor.execute(query, (table_name,))
        exists = cursor.fetchone()[0]
        return exists
    except psycopg2.Error as e:
        print(f"Error checking table: {e}")
        return False
        if connection:

Make sure you can run the check_table_exists(“notes”) function and you get a “True” response. This tells you that your DB connection works and you have created the “notes” table successfully.

Next we will introduce an asynchronous class to manage note operations, such as adding notes, retrieving notes, and listing titles. This is the class that the “Agent” will use.

import asyncpg
from typing import Optional, List
class DatabaseConn:
    def __init__(self):
        Store the DSN (Data Source Name) for connecting.
        self.dsn = DB_DSN
    async def _connect(self):
        Opens an async connection to PostgreSQL.
        return await asyncpg.connect(self.dsn)
    async def add_note(self, title: str, text: str) -> bool:
        Inserts a note with the given title and text.
        If a note with the same title exists, it won't overwrite.
        query = """
        INSERT INTO notes (title, text)
        VALUES ($1, $2)
        ON CONFLICT (title) DO NOTHING;
        conn = await self._connect()
            result = await conn.execute(query, title, text)
            return result == "INSERT 0 1"
            await conn.close()
    async def get_note_by_title(self, title: str) -> Optional[dict]:
        Retrieves the note matching the specified title. Returns a dict or None.
        query = "SELECT title, text FROM notes WHERE title = $1;"
        conn = await self._connect()
            record = await conn.fetchrow(query, title)
            if record:
                return {"title": record["title"], "text": record["text"]}
            return None
            await conn.close()
    async def list_all_titles(self) -> List[str]:
        Fetches and returns all note titles.
        query = "SELECT title FROM notes ORDER BY title;"
        conn = await self._connect()
            results = await conn.fetch(query)
            return [row["title"] for row in results]
            await conn.close()

Integrating Notes with PydanticAI

To glue these components together, we’ll craft two different Agents:

  1. An Intent Extraction Agent — figures out if the user wants to create, list, or retrieve notes.
  2. An Action Handling Agent — actually processes data using our database code.

Below is an example main.py structure:

from dataclasses import dataclass
from pydantic import BaseModel
from pydantic_ai import Agent, RunContext
from typing import Optional, List
from database import DatabaseConn
from pydantic_ai.models.openai import OpenAIModel
OPENAI_API_KEY = "enter-your-openai-api-key-here"
class NoteIntent:
    action: str
    title: Optional[str] = None
    text: Optional[str] = None
class NoteDependencies:
    db: DatabaseConn
class NoteResponse(BaseModel):
    message: str
    note: Optional[dict] = None
    titles: Optional[List[str]] = None
## 1. Agent for parsing the user's intent
intent_model = OpenAIModel('gpt-4o-mini', api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY)
intent_agent = Agent(
        "You are an intent extraction assistant. Understand what the user wants "
        "(e.g., create, retrieve, list) and extract the relevant data like title and text. "
        "Your output format must be a JSON-like structure with keys: action, title, text."
## 2. Agent for executing the identified action
action_model = OpenAIModel('gpt-4o-mini', api_key=OPENAI_API_KEY)
action_agent = Agent(
        "Based on the identified user intent, carry out the requested action on the note storage. "
        "Actions can include: 'create' (add note), 'retrieve' (get note), or 'list' (list all notes)."
## Tools for action_agent
async def create_note_tool(ctx: RunContext[NoteDependencies], title: str, text: str) -> NoteResponse:
    db = ctx.deps.db
    success = await db.add_note(title, text)
    return NoteResponse(message="CREATED:SUCCESS" if success else "CREATED:FAILED")
async def retrieve_note_tool(ctx: RunContext[NoteDependencies], title: str) -> NoteResponse:
    db = ctx.deps.db
    note = await db.get_note_by_title(title)
    return NoteResponse(message="GET:SUCCESS", note=note) if note else NoteResponse(message="GET:FAILED")
async def list_notes_tool(ctx: RunContext[NoteDependencies]) -> NoteResponse:
    db = ctx.deps.db
    all_titles = await db.list_all_titles()
    return NoteResponse(message="LIST:SUCCESS", titles=all_titles)
async def handle_user_query(user_input: str, deps: NoteDependencies) -> NoteResponse:
    # Determine user intent
    intent = await intent_agent.run(user_input)
    if intent.data.action == "create":
        query = f"Create a note named '{intent.data.title}' with the text '{intent.data.text}'."
        response = await action_agent.run(query, deps=deps)
        return response.data
    elif intent.data.action == "retrieve":
        query = f"Retrieve the note titled '{intent.data.title}'."
        response = await action_agent.run(query, deps=deps)
        return response.data
    elif intent.data.action == "list":
        query = "List the titles of all notes."
        response = await action_agent.run(query, deps=deps)
        return response.data
        return NoteResponse(message="Action not recognized.")
async def ask(query: str):
    db_conn = DatabaseConn()
    note_deps = NoteDependencies(db=db_conn)
    return await handle_user_query(query, note_deps)

This setup does the heavy lifting. The first agent pinpoints user intent; the second agent knows which tool to invoke (create, retrieve, or list notes).

Note — the note_deps = NoteDependencies(db=db_conn) class takes in the database connection and is added to the secong agent to allow it to execute DB queries.

Building a Streamlit Front-End

The last step is to make everything accessible through a simple web UI. Installing Streamlit is straightforward:

pip install streamlit

Then create an app.py file:

import asyncio
import streamlit as st
from main import ask  # The ask function from your main.py
st.set_page_config(page_title="Note Manager", layout="centered")
st.title("My Note Dashboard")
st.write("Type instructions below to create, retrieve, or list notes.")
user_input = st.text_area("What do you want to do?", placeholder="e.g., 'Create a note about my Monday meeting.'")
if st.button("Submit"):
    if not user_input.strip():
        st.error("Please enter something.")
        with st.spinner("Working on it..."):
                response = asyncio.run(ask(user_input))
                if response.note is not None:
                    st.subheader(f"Note Title: {response.note.get('title', '')}")
                    st.write(response.note.get('text', 'No content found.'))
                elif response.titles is not None:
                    if response.titles:
                        st.subheader("Current Titles:")
                        for t in response.titles:
                            st.write(f"- {t}")
                        st.info("No notes available yet.")
            except Exception as e:
                st.error(f"Error: {e}")

You can then fire it up via:

streamlit run app.py

Wrapping Up

With just a little effort, we’ve built a powerful Note Management tool using:

  • PydanticAI to parse user requests and structure data
  • PostgreSQL to store the notes
  • Streamlit to provide a sleek, interactive web interface

Check out the GitHub repository for further details: https://github.com/skolo-online/ai-agents

And if you’d like a deeper walkthrough, watch the YouTube video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OAbyC1kMj5w

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