Build Production Ready AI Assistant Backend Service (in Python) — Part 2
- Rifx.Online
- Programming , Generative AI , Chatbots
- 26 Dec, 2024
— Build a multi agent RAG system using LangGraph + Secure your Application with Authorization Key Headers
*Disclosure — the contents in this article are my own, and represent no one but myself and not those of my current or past employers.*
In the previous part (part 1), we covered the fundamentals of backend services, including APIs and endpoints, and set up the initial repository for a real-world Generative AI application featuring an AI assistant specialized in energy-saving tips.
In this article, we cover the following:
- Unit test all the endpoints making sure everything works as expected
- Step by step build the LangGraph for the RAG application
Let’s review the backend endpoint workflow again.
We need to verify that all endpoints operate as expected (aka response status is OK 200!).
Therefore, here we review each endpoint:
Skip this part if you want to start building your application with
Test Endpoints
, this endpoint posts a unique session id to the user’s session. No payload is required and the following request example gets a 200 response:
## Testing /get_session_id
import requests
main_url = "http://localhost:8000"
url = main_url + "/get_session_id"
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
response =, headers=headers)
#>>> {'session_id': '90e1d5c6-7203-4be6-9dca-ac5206079d41'}
Note that the headers
for this particular endpoint can be optional.
, the payload for this endpoint requires a body
and a parameter
## Testing /ask
import requests
main_url = "http://localhost:8000"
url = main_url + "/ask"
params = {"session_id":"bcc6f0b8-f6b6-4aa6-9567-2f78b8fc07f1"}
request_body = {"message": "tell me more how I can save money on energy?"}
response =, params=params, json=request_body)
#>>> {'message': 'Message received', 'session_id': 'bcc6f0b8-f6b6-4aa6-9567-2f78b8fc07f1'}
One important note to consider, in a production environment, we do NOT store messages on the memory! That is a terrible design! Usually a provisioned database (structured or semi-structured) should be used. We explore production options in part 3 of this article.
We may not be using this endpoint within the production pipeline, though it’s good to have the endpoint to be able to access the retriever to access references directly from the vectorstore.
To test this endpoint, I add a test payload like the following to
## Inside
sessions = {
"000-000": {"messages": ["tell me something about energy saving"]}
Here is the request payload example for this endpoint:
## Testing /retrieve_contexts
import requests
main_url = "http://localhost:8000"
url = main_url + "/retrieve_contexts"
params = {"session_id":"000-000"}
headers = {
"Content-Type": "application/json"
response =, params=params, headers=headers)
#>>> {'session_id': '000-000',
## 'contexts': [{'id': 'f7d91b48-3fdd-40c1-bb2c-c5c5cb0aeddd',
## 'metadata': {'source': '', 'title': 'Home Energy Saver - Wikipedia', 'language': 'en'}, 'page_content': 'The Home Energy Saver website includes a section called LEARN which offers tips about energy savings, an explanation of the house-as-system energy efficiency approach, and other information to help people understand how energy is used in a home.', 'type': 'Document'}, {'id': '4c0a3ba6-a020-4fcf-8ca2-fd73703596e1', 'metadata': {'source': '', 'title': 'Home Energy Saver - Wikipedia', 'language': 'en'}, 'page_content': 'Home Energy Saver is a set of on–line resources developed by the U.S. Department of Energy at the Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory intended to help consumers and professional energy analysts, analyze, reduce, and manage home energy use.[1]', 'type': 'Document'}, {'id': 'ebc87da9-ea1f-4a53-af12-a1dc9265f828', 'metadata': {'source': 'ai-chatbot/data/pdfs/energy_savers.pdf', 'page': 3}, 'page_content': 'appliances, and renewable energy.\nFind even more information about \nsaving money and energy at home \nby visiting\nTo learn more about U.S. Department \nof Energy (DOE) programs in energy \nefficiency and renewable energy, \nvisit the Office of Energy Efficiency \nand Renewable Energy website at \\nEnergySavers\n2', 'type': 'Document'}, {'id': '9424991e-e8fb-4b76-9757-c80e9bc53fd6', 'metadata': {'source': 'ai-chatbot/data/pdfs/energy_savers.pdf', 'page': 2}, 'page_content': 'such as solar and wind to save \nenergy dollars while reducing \nenvironmental impact.\n37\nTransportation\nChoose efficient transportation \noptions and drive more efficiently \nto save at the gas pump.\n39\nReferences\nUse our reference list to learn \nmore about energy efficiency \nand renewable energy.\n40\nEndnotes\nSee endnotes for individual \ncitations.\nContents\n1', 'type': 'Document'}], 'message_history': 'tell me something about energy saving'}
is a simple POST
method which stores the results to the database. As mentioned before, saving data to memory is a terrible design leading to server interruption and possible outages.
needs to be modified to accommodate a few workflows. Whenever the user sends a request, the server initially search against the vectorstore to find information in particular for the last question the user asked, then utilize the LLM to generate a summary of the context and then store it in the database and finally return the response for the user as a response object.
Before showing the payload example for this endpoint, let’s build the chain using LangGraph
. If you are not familiar with LangGraph
check out this link.
Building a RAG using LangGraph
LangGraph is a powerful tool for building agentic flows and multi agent workflows (learn more about langGraph). If you are interested, you can enrol a course from LangChain for free!
For a simple RAG application, the states of the workflow is straightforward. To use LangGraph, we need to define three things:
- The state of our application;
- The nodes (i.e., application steps);
- The “control flow” (e.g., the ordering of the steps).
The state of our application controls what data is input to the application, transferred between steps, and output by the application. It is typically a TypedDict
, but can also be a Pydantic BaseModel.
For a simple RAG application, we can just keep track of the input question, retrieved context, and generated answer:
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from typing_extensions import List, TypedDict
class State(TypedDict):
question: str
context: List[Document]
answer: str
Nodes (application steps)
Let’s start with a simple sequence of two steps: retrieval and generation.
## continued
from retrieval_config import get_vectorstore
async def retrieve(state: State):
vector_store = await get_vectorstore()
retrieved_docs = await vector_store.similarity_search(state["question"])
return {"context": retrieved_docs}
def generate(state: State):
docs_content = "\n\n".join(doc.page_content for doc in state["context"])
messages = prompt.invoke({"question": state["question"], "context": docs_content})
response = llm.invoke(messages)
return {"answer": response.content}
Control flow
Finally, we compile our application into a single graph
object. In this case, we are just connecting the retrieval and generation steps into a single sequence.
## continued
from langgraph.graph import START, StateGraph
graph_builder = StateGraph(State).add_sequence([retrieve, generate])
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "retrieve")
graph = graph_builder.compile()
LangGraph also comes with built-in utilities for visualizing the control flow of your application:
## continued
from IPython.display import Image, display
## Get the image data
image_data = graph.get_graph().draw_mermaid_png()
## Save the image data to a file
with open("output.png", "wb") as f:
## Display the image
img = display(Image(image_data))
Running the above code or the alternative approach should provide the following flow:
Building the LLM for Generating Summary
We use a local LLM llama3.2:1b
using the Ollama framework and set up the LLM as follows:
from langchain_ollama import OllamaLLM
llm = OllamaLLM(
For simplicity, I use the LangChain’s hub to pull a custom prompt for RAG
applications. You can custom build your own prompt using PromptTemplate
or ChatPromptTemplate
Here is a complete breakdown of the
from langchain import hub
from langchain_core.documents import Document
from langchain_ollama import OllamaLLM
from langgraph.graph import START, StateGraph
from langchain_openai import ChatOpenAI
from retrieval_config import get_vectorstore
from typing_extensions import List, TypedDict
prompt = hub.pull("rlm/rag-prompt")
llm = OllamaLLM(
## import os
## from dotenv import load_dotenv, find_dotenv
## _ = load_dotenv(find_dotenv(),override=True)
## openai_api_key = os.getenv("OPENAI_API_KEY")
## llm = ChatOpenAI(
## model="gpt-4o",
## temperature=0,
## max_tokens=None,
## )
class State(TypedDict):
question: str
context: List[Document]
answer: str
async def retrieve(state: State):
This state is meant for retrieving content from the vectorstore
vector_store = await get_vectorstore()
retrieved_docs = vector_store.similarity_search(state["question"])
return {"context": retrieved_docs}
def generate(state: State):
The LLM is used to generate a summary of relevant contents from
the retrieved contexts
docs_content = "\n\n".join(doc.page_content for doc in state["context"])
messages = prompt.invoke({"question": state["question"], "context": docs_content})
response = llm.invoke(messages)
return {"answer": response}
def get_graph():
returns the compiled graph builder object as a RAG system
graph_builder = StateGraph(State).add_sequence([retrieve, generate])
graph_builder.add_edge(START, "retrieve")
graph = graph_builder.compile()
return graph
## [Optional] ##
## from IPython.display import Image, display
## image_data = graph.get_graph().draw_mermaid_png()
## with open ("graphFlow.png", "wb") as f:
## f.write(image_data)
#### Testing the LangGraph pipeline ###
## question = "Tell me something about energy saving."
## async def main():
## result = await graph.ainvoke({"question": question})
## print(result["answer"])
## import asyncio
Here is the updated
from fastapi import FastAPI, HTTPException
from uuid import uuid4
import json
from schema import Message, SummaryRequest, SaveRequest
from vector_data_store import lookup_contexts
from chain_config import get_graph
app = FastAPI()
sessions = {
"000-000": {"messages": ["tell me something about energy saving"]}
database = {}
def save_to_database(session_id: str, data: dict):
if session_id not in sessions:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Session not found")
database[session_id] = data
raise HTTPException(status_code=500, detail="An error occured while saving to database")
## Endpoints"/get_session_id")
def get_session_id():
"""Generate a new session ID."""
session_id = str(uuid4())
sessions[session_id] = {"messages": []}
return {"session_id": session_id}"/ask")
def ask(session_id: str, message: Message):
"""Handle user questions."""
if session_id not in sessions:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Session not found")
return {"message": "Message received", "session_id": session_id}"/retrieve_contexts")
async def retrieve_contexts(session_id: str):
"""Retrieve contexts from the vector store."""
if session_id not in sessions:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Session not found")
message_history = sessions[session_id]["messages"][0]
retrieved_contexts = await lookup_contexts(message_history)
return {"session_id": session_id, "contexts": retrieved_contexts, "message_history": message_history}"/generate_summary")
async def generate_summary(request: SummaryRequest):
"""Generate a summary based on retrieved contexts and message history."""
# Simulate calling OpenAI API or another language model
if request.session_id not in sessions:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Session not found")
if len(request.message_history) == 0:
raise HTTPException(status_code=400, detail="Message history is empty")
question = request.message_history[0]
graph = get_graph()
response = await graph.ainvoke({"question":question})
contexts_dict = [doc.dict() for doc in response.get("context")]
return {"session_id": request.session_id,
"summary": json.dumps(response.get('answer')),
"retrieved_contexts": contexts_dict,
"question": question
def save_records(request: SaveRequest):
"""Save session summary in the database."""
if request.session_id not in sessions:
raise HTTPException(status_code=404, detail="Session not found")
# Save the session's data to a mock database
save_to_database(request.session_id, {
"messages": sessions[request.session_id]["messages"],
"summary": request.summary
return {"message": "Session data saved", "session_id": request.session_id}
if __name__ == "__main__":
import uvicorn
Now that we have the RAG system, it’s time to test the /generate_summary
## Testing /generate_summary
import requests
main_url = "http://localhost:8000"
url = main_url + "/generate_summary"
payload = {"session_id":"000-000",
"message_history": ["tell me more how I can save money on energy?"]}
response =, json=payload)
That’s it! You now have a fully functional backend service to serve an AI assistant specialized in energy saving tips!
Note that you may get warnings like the following:
site-packages/langsmith/ LangSmithMissingAPIKeyWarning: API key must be provided when using hosted LangSmith API
which is fine as long as you don’t want to trace the LangGraph inside LangSmith dashboard. If you are interested in learning more about LangSmith
, checkout this tutorial:
So far the application service works well when interacting with it using your localhost
. I won’t stop here and I want to guide you exactly how you should move forward :).
In the next part (part 3), we want to go a step further and implement an actual database using MongoDB
to store our semantic data and learn how to communicate with a vector datastore
and build vector search index
Thank you for coming along and see you in the next part!